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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

R&D Career Re-Entry Program

We provide education and mentoring support for career-interrupted women due to childbirth or childcare to become successfully re-employed in R&D fields. We also promote employment through job-matching programs with universities and public and private research institutes as well as support for research funding. Awaken your dormant career with WISET.


  • Participants: Those who have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering and are not enrolled in employment insurance as of the date of applying to participate in the program
  • Participating institutions: Research institutes in science and technology that want to offer positions to career-interrupted women in STEM


  • Research funding for research institutes hiring career-interrupted women in STEM to participate in R&D (KRW 21 million/year for a researcher with a master’s degree and KRW 23 million/year for a researcher with a Ph.D. degree)
  • Empowerment of career-interrupted women and education and mentoring for career development


  • A maximum of 3 years (Annual evaluation every 12 months for evaluation regarding continuous support.)
Support career-interrupted women in returning to their careers

1,415 beneficiaries

Employment retention rate after 3 years (2012–2022)


Research performance after returning to work (Average number of research papers published per person for 3 years after returning to work)

2.5 publications