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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

Engineering Research Team Program

Program Introduction

The Female Graduate Student Engineering Research Team Support Program is a program in which a female graduate student, as a research director, forms a team with college students and middle and high school students to conduct engineering research alongside one another. This program is aimed at strengthening the research capabilities and leadership skills of excellent female undergraduate and graduate students through self-directed R&D projects and allow middle and high school students participating as team members to foster their dreams to pursue careers in STEM. The experience of leading engineering research will be a valuable stepping stone for female graduate students to continue to grow as researchers in the future.

Program Details
  • Research director : Female graduate student
  • Research team members : College students and female middle and high school students
Research team composition
  • General : Research director (1 female graduate student) and research team members (2 female college students and 4 middle and high school students)
  • Intensive : Research director (1 female graduate student) and research team members (up to 4 college students)
Research period

April to October (7 months)

Program scale

150 teams (40 general research teams and 110 intensive research teams) (※ as of 2022)

Research fields

8 engineering fields (architecture, metal & materials, machinery & materials, biotechnology & food engineering, electricity, electronic & semiconductor, computer, civil & environmental engineering, chemical engineering)

Support details
  • Education & mentoring : Research capacity building training, career mentoring, etc.
  • Research expenses : 6.6 million won for general courses/team, 8 million won for advanced courses/team
  • Awards for outstanding research teams : Minister of Science and ICT Award and WISET Chairperson’s Award
Program Results
Research project support

1,057 research team members

Research participants (2013~2021)

6,379 participants

Major Achievements
  • Achieved 82.7% employment rate for female graduate students in STEM
  • Achieved 42.4% graduate school entrance rate in science and engineering majors for female college students
  • Achieved 83.3% entrance rate of female high school students going to a college of science or engineering