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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

Legal Master Plan

Legal Framework

The Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians was enacted in 2002 to empower women in STEM and promote national science and technology development. It is the superordinate law that serves as the legal basis for all policies to support women in STEM, thereby providing a strong foundation for women’s advancement in STEM.

Master Plan

The Korean government first established the Master Plan for Fostering and Supporting Women in STEM, which set mid- and long-term policy goals and directions for fostering and supporting women in STEM at the national level, in 2004.

Various support programs for women in STEM are implemented according to the master plan, which is established every five years.


5th Master Plan(2024~2028)

4st Master Plan

4th Master Plan(2019~2023)

3rd Master Plan

3rd Master Plan(2014~2018)

2nd Master Plan

2nd Master Plan(2009~2013)

1st Master Plan

1st Master Plan(2004~2008)
