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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology


Girls Engineering Talk 2022

조회수1,064 등록일2022-07-19

* Event : Girls' Engineering Talk 2022
* Date: July 21th (Thu), 2022
* Venue: Online(WISET YOUTUBE, https://www.youtube.com/c/WISET0211) and Offline(Blue Square Chaos Hall)
* Hosted by: Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET)
* Sponsorship : Ministry of Science and ICT
* Estimated number of attendees: About 1,000 female middle and high school students
* Main Content
  - [Plenary Talk] Se-Jung OH President, Seoul National University
  -[AI] Soon-Young OH head of Financial AI Center, KB Kookmin Bank 
  -[Bio] Ji Min LEE  Professor, KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
  -[Environment] Sun-Mi LEE, Principal Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
  -[Semiconductor] Wanjae PARK Principal Engineer, SEMES
  -[Host] Kyungmin HWANG, Founder and CEO, VPIX Medical