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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology


The 36th US-Korea Conference (UKC) - Women in STEM Forum

The Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and the Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO) hosted this conference. In this conference, around 500 scientists and technicians from South Korea and the United States participated for academic discussion and opinion exchange, under the theme of ‘Discovery, Innovation and Dissemination for Transformative Impact.’ WISET participated in the special forum at UKC for the second time after 2021 and collaborated with Women in STEM-related organizations* to discuss issues regarding women in STEM, and network with Korean and non-Korean women in STEM.


The 36th US-Korea Conference (UKC) - Women in STEM Forum
  • Date and Time : August 3, 2023 (Thu.) 13:00~16:00
  • Location : Hyatt Regency DFW, Dallas, Texas (U.S.)
  • Hosts : Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO)
  • Main Activities : Women in STEM Forum consisting of three parts: 1) Current issues related to women in STEM policies in South Korea, 2) Cases and performance of international cooperation regarding women in STEM, 3) Future vision and development direction of women in STEM

Lecture Seminar by Korean and Japanese Women in STEM

WISET, The Asia Foundation, and Sookmyung Women's University's Research Institute of Asian Women held a joint seminar by inviting experts from Korea and Japan to encourage female students to study STEM and pursue related careers by providing practical advice.

Lecture Seminar by Korean and Japanese Women in STEM
  • Event Title : Become a Female Leader in STEM
  • Date and Time : October 11, 2023 (Tue.), 13:00 ~ 16:00
  • Location : Room 608, Centennial Hall of Sookmyung Women's University
  • Sponsor / Host : The Asia Foundation, WISET / Sookmyung Women's University's Research Institute of Asian Women
  • Main Activities : Lectures by three female speakers - founder, executive, and researcher in STEM* to provide practical advice for female students majoring in STEM to continue their studies and pursue careers in the field / Q&A sessions with experts and students, and networking.

    *CEO Urara Takaseki (Omotete, Inc.), Lead Researcher Kim Changok (Samsung Display), and Professor Lim Yujin (Sookmyung Women's University)

MOU between WISET and The Asia Foundation, and Collaboration on Mentoring Program

WISET and The Asia Foundation* signed an MOU to promote comprehensive cooperation for the advancement of women in STEM in Asia. The agreement includes the following: mentoring programs to foster women in STEM; education and training to enhance women's digital capabilities; efforts to discover and expand STEM talent in Asia; improvement of the social and educational support environment for women in STEM; and active information exchange and cooperation on issues of common interest to both organizations. WISET will strengthen its collaboration with the Asia Foundation to foster and harness the next generation of women in STEM, starting with collaboration on the mentoring program of ‘STEM ConnectHER’** - a program to empower women in STEM that the Asia Foundation is implementing with Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Japan.

MOU between WISET and The Asia Foundation, and Collaboration on Mentoring Program
  • The Asia Foundation is an international development NGO in the pursuit of the improvement of life quality across Asia, with a branch in Washington, DC, and 18 branches in Asia, handling critical issues affecting Asia. In particular, it organizes activities to empower women in Asia as well as programs to empower women in STEM.
  • STEM ConnectHER’: A program led by the Asia Foundation in partnership with several countries including Singapore and Japan that provides mentoring, international networking, and leadership development programs to empower women in STEM at the beginning of their careers.

Discussion with the Deputy Minister of Education of Australia to exchange policies related to fostering women in STEM between South Korea and Australia

WISET held a meeting with the Ministry of Education of Australia (Deputy Minister Karen Sandercock), and the Embassy of Australia in South Korea to discuss the current status of women in STEM in both countries, related main issues, and policies for fostering and supporting women in STEM in both countries, as well as how to collaborate on the advancement of those women.

Discussion with the Deputy Minister of Education of Australia to exchange policies related to fostering women in STEM between South Korea and Australia
  • Date and Time : March 22, 2023 (Wed.), 9:30 ~ 10:30
  • Location : Office in the Embassy of Australia in South Korea (Gwanghwamun)
  • Participants : Four representatives from the Ministry of Education of Australia, two representatives from the Embassy of Australia in South Korea, and two representatives from WISET
  • Main Activities : Discussion on current issues regarding how to foster and support women in STEM, sharing policies and programs of both countries, and discussing how to collaborate for fostering and supporting women in STEM

UNSCAP's Citypreneurs Policy Dialogue 2023

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNSCAP) held a policy dialogue with entrepreneurs in Northeast Asia to investigate how startups can grow in the highly competitive environment of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by utilizing policies and trends. WISET participated as a speaker and provided insights on labor market trends with a significant impact on business, especially issues regarding the STEM workforce. It also emphasized that securing more women in STEM is the best solution to the future talent shortage challenge.

UNSCAP's Citypreneurs Policy Dialogue 2023
  • Date and Time : June 2, 2023 (Fri.), 15:00 ~ 16:30
  • Location : Online video conference (Zoom)
  • Sponsor and Host : United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • Main Activities : Presentations of the Korean STEM workforce trends, and discussion on labor issues that may affect corporate ability to attract and retain talent, including gender disparities.

The 35th US-Korea Conference (UKC) - Women in STEM Forum

Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO) hosted this conference. In this conference, around 500 scientists and technicians from South Korea and the United States participated for academic discussion and opinion exchange, under the theme of ‘Role of Science and Technology in the Post-Pandemic Era.’ WISET participated in the sponsored forum at UKC for the first time as an organizer and collaborated with women in STEM-related organizations* to discuss issues regarding women in STEM, and network with Korean and non-Korean women in STEM.

The 35th US-Korea Conference (UKC) - Women in STEM Forum
  • Date and Time : August 18, 2022 (Thu.) 15:30~18:30
  • Location : Hyatt Regency Crystal City (U.S.)
  • Hosts : The Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and the Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO)
  • Main Activities : Women in STEM Forum consisting of three parts: 1) Status of Women in STEM policies in South Korea, 2) Equality, inclusion, diversity, and improvements for women in STEM, and 3) Strategies for commercialization of R&D technologies.

Joint Webinar by the Australian Embassy in the Republic of Korea and WISET

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and Australia, a joint webinar was held to share information on policies to foster and support women in STEM and to promote networking of women in STEM in the two countries.

Joint Webinar by the Australian Embassy in the Republic of Korea and WISET
  • Event : Australia-Korea Webinar on Women in STEM : Cross-border connections and achieving change
  • Date/Venue : May 11, 2021 (Tues.) 15:00~16:00 / Online (Webex)
  • Co-hosted by : Embassy of Australia in the Republic of Korea and WISET
  • Speakers : Lisa Harvey-Smith (Ambassador of women in STEM from the Australian Government) and Ahn Hye-yeon (President of WISET)
  • Main activities : Sharing information on Korea’s and Australia’s policies women in STEM, introducing cases in Korea, strengthening the connection and cooperation with the Australian government, and promoting networking of Korea-n and Australian women in STEM
  • Program - Time, Details, Note
    Time Details Note
    15:00~15:10 10' Opening and welcome speech
    • Moderator : Adam Coin (Councilor, Ministry of Education, Embassy of Australia in Korea)
    • Welcome speech : Catherine Raper (Australia Ambassador to Korea)
    Organizer (Australia Embassy in Korea)
    15:10~15:30 20' Topic : How can international networks better support Women in STEM outcomes?
    • Speaker 1 (Australia) : Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
    • Speaker 2 (Korea) : WISET President Ahn Hye-yeon
    15:30~15:55 25' Panel discussion and Q&A
    • Debater 1 : Lee Myeong-seon (President, Ewha Leadership Development Institute)
    • Debater 2 : Jade Bujeya (2019 Australia Government scholarship winner)
    Panelists and attendees
    15:55~16:00 5' Closing Moderator

Joint Research by UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific) and WISET

In collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP), we conducted a joint study on the subject of “Gender Equality in STEM in Korea, China, and Japan” and published and distributed a report on policy implications for realizing gender equality in STEM fields in Korean and English.

discussion with an expert group on the publication of the research report(5.26) 이미지

discussion with an expert group on the publication of the research report(5.26)

  • Study title : The Future is Equal : Gender Equality in the Technology Industry
  • Research organization and partner organizations : UNESCAP / (Korea) WISET, (China) Ladies Who Tech, (Japan) Center for Gender Equality, Nagoya University
  • Research period / publishing date : March 2020 to May 2021 / May 26, 2021 (Held a discussion with an expert group on the publication of the research report)
  • Objectives : Research and analyze the systems and practices implemented by private enterprises STEM fields in Korea, China, and Japan to seek policy measures to promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the tech industry and to spread best practices
  • Main activities : Developed and strengthened cooperative relations with global partners and discovered and propagated global policy agendas concerning women in STEM through joint research
The Asia Foundation Research Project

The Asia Foundation conducted a study to explore the role and development measures for women’s networks in STEM fields based on the major issues derived from the Korea-U.S.-Japan trilateral talks (Oct. 2020). WISET’s experiences related to fostering and supporting women in STEM in Korea and other cases were shared with the Asia Foundation for the project.

  • Study title : Accelerating Women's Advancement in STEM: Emerging lessons on network strategies and approaches in Asia*

    * Accelerating Women's Advancement in STEM : Emerging lessons on network strategies and approaches in Asia

  • Research period/Published date : Dec. 2020 to June 2021 (about 7 months) / June 28, 2021 (Publication of a report)
  • Research Topic : Finding the role of women’s networks in STEM fields and ways to develop such networks
  • Main activities : Sought ways to develop policies and programs to support women in STEM through cooperation with relevant global organizations
SDG Forum Hosted by the UN (Northeast Asia)

We participated in the SDG Forum hosted by the UN and presented Korea’s efforts to provide quality education and promote gender equality in STEM fields, in addition to exploring ways to boost gender equality and women’s advancement in STEM with international policy-makers.

  • Forum title : North-East Asian Multistakeholder Forum on Sustainable Development Goals
  • Date : Oct. 28, 2021 (Thurs.), held online
  • Hosted by : UNESCAP, UNDP, and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Main activities : Shared Korea’s cases on the topic of gender equality and capacity building of women in STEM in relation to the UN’s SDGs (4. Quality Education, 5. Gender Equality) and discussed future advancement plans with global policy-makers
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)’s Training for African Female Construction Engineers in Korea

As part of a training program for nurturing and empowering foreign women engineers (Implemented by: Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education; Entrusted by: Korea International Cooperation Agency), we introduced policies and programs aimed at nurturing and supporting women in STEM in Korea and shared the current status of each country in Africa to engage in exchanges and network with female engineers from five African countries.

  • Date : Oct. 17 (Thurs.) to 18 (Fri.), 2019 10:00~16:00
  • Venue : WISET conference room, Korean Science and Technology Center
  • Program objectives : 1) To improve women’s rights in recipient countries through systematic training of female construction engineers, to realize gender equality in employment in male-dominated areas, and to improve the systems and infrastructure to support these efforts; 2) To improve the social status of female engineers in the construction industry and lay the groundwork for programs to foster and support women in STEM
  • Program* implementer : Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education / Entrusted by: Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

    * Program title: Capacity Development for Women Engineers in Africa

  • Topic : Korea’s policies and support programs to foster women in STEM
  • Main activities : International exchange with overseas female construction engineers and policy-makers and introduction of policies and programs to foster and support women in STEM in Korea

ASEAN-Korea Seminar

We participated in the ASEAN-Korea Forum hosted by the Asia Foundation and presented the impact of COVID-19 on women in the context of Korea and Korea’s best practices for strengthening women’s economic capabilities. We also explored measures to strengthen the economic capabilities of women in the post-COVID-19 era with international policy-makers.

ASEAN-Korea Seminar
  • Event title : ASEAN-Korea Partnership for the Development of Southeast Asia: Innovative Measures for Gender Equality in the COVID-19 Era
  • Details : Shed light on the impact of COVID-19 on women, particularly from the economic perspective, share innovative public-private partnerships (PPPs) to achieve gender equality, exchange opinions between Korea and ASEAN countries, and suggest relevant policy directions
  • Date : Dec. 9, 2020 (Wed.) 15:00 – 18:00
  • Venue : Nine Tree Premier Hotel Insadong Meeting Room I (5F)
  • Hosted/Organizer : Asia Foundation Korea and Thailand branches, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, and ACSDSD
  • Participants : Korea, Thailand, and ASEAN member states (around 20 people from ASEAN organizations, ASEAN member states, UN Women, Korean government, academia, NGOs for international development, and private enterprises)
  • Program - Time, Program
    Time Program
    15:00~15:10 10' Opening and introduction of the attendee
    15:10~15:50 40' Session 1 : Keynote speech by UN Women and ASEAN-affiliated organizations
    • ① The Impact of COVID-19 on Women : Ruangkhao Ryce Chanchai, Program Specialist, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
    • ② Why Innovation Matters for Gender Equality during COVID-19 : Dr. Nattavud Pimpa, Acting Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue
    15:50~16:40 50' Session 2 : Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Economic Participation in Korea and Innovative Cases to Overcome it
    • Presentation 1 : The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Economic Participation in Korea (Deputy Director Lee Yun-a, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
    • Presentation 2 : Innovative Women’s Economic Opportunities: Case 1 (President Ahn Hye-yeon, WISET)
    • Presentation 3 : Innovative Women’s Economic Opportunities: Case 2 (COO Park Hyeon-ho, Tictoccroc)
    16:40~17:30 50' Session 3: ASEAN Country Cases
    17:30~18:00 30' Session 4: Panel Discussion and Closing

The Summit on Women’s Leadership in STEM

A 4-day online webinar was held for representatives of the governments, academia, private sectors, and civil societies of Korea, the United States, and Japan to share experiences and lessons learned and to review issues that are crucial women’s advancement in STEM fields.

한미일 3자회담 (The Summit on Women’s Leadership in STEM) 관련 이미지
  • Date : (Based on Asia) Oct. 20 (Tues.) to 23 (Fri.), 2020
  • Venue : Hosted online using Webex
  • Host/Sponsor : Asia Foundation/US State Department
  • Participants : About 100 speakers, panelists, and other participants from Korea, the United States, and Japan
  • Main activities : Discussed capacity building of women in STEM and plans for advancement and reviewed key issues with leaders from Korea, the United States, and Japan, introduced best practices (incl. those of WISET) of policies and projects related to women in STEM in Korea, and expanded networks with major policy-makers in Korea, the United States, and Japan
  • Official website for the event : https://womenstemleaders.com/
  • Program - Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4
    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
    10/20 (Tuesday) Trilateral Kick-Off and Gender, Diversity, and STEM in Japan, ROK, and the U.S. 10/21 (Wednesday) Encouraging More Girls to Pursue STEM and Strengthening the Pipeline from University to Private Industry 10/22 (Thu) The Enabling Environment Needed to Support Women to Excel in STEM 10/23 (Fri) Looking Ahead, The Future of Work and the Next Generation of Women STEM Leaders.
    07:00-08:00 (KST) Welcome and U.S. Keynote Address - (USA) AMBASSADOR KELLEY E. CURRIE (US Ambassador and UN Women's Committee representative) 07:00-07:30 (KST) Welcome and Korea Keynote Address- (Korea) LEE SEONG-HO (Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 07:00-07:30 (KST) Welcome and Japan Keynote Address- (Japan) AMBASSADOR ATSUKO NISHIMURA (Special Advisor to the Japanese Foreign Minister and Ambassador for Women’s Issues) 07:00-07:30 (KST) Welcome and U.S. Private Sector Keynote Address- (USA) JACQUELLINE FULLER (Vice President, Google)
    08:00-09:30 (KST) Panel Webinar: Gender, Diversity, and STEM in Japan, ROK, and the US: Where Do We Stand? - (US) DONNA MILGRAM (Executive Director, National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science) -(Japan) GINKO KAWANO (Professor, Yamagata University)- (Korea) HEISOOK LEE (Senior Researcher, Gender Innovation Research Center)- (US) KATHLEEN KINGSCOTT (Vice President, IBM Research) 07:30-08:30 (KST) Panel Webinar: Cracking the Code: How to Encourage More Girls to Pursue STEM - (US) DYLAN DAVIS (Deputy Director, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley)- (Korea) LIZ LEE (Co-Director, Girls in Tech Seoul Branch and Founder and COO of TELEPASSEE)- (Japan) SACHIKO NAKAJIMA (Founder, steAm, Inc)- (US) TARA CHKLOVSKI (Founder and CEO, Technovation) 07:30-08:45 (KST) Panel Webinar: Gender Norms and STEM: Family Decision -Making, the Unpaid Care Burden, and the Challenges/Benefits of Creating Diverse Teams- (US) DR. KAREN MARRONGELLE (Director, Department of Education and Human Resources, National Science Foundation)- (Japan) KATHY MATSUI (Vice President, Goldman Sachs Japan)- (Korea) SO YOUNG KIM (Professor, KAIST)- (US) TEA TRUMBIC (Women/Business/Legal Project Manager, World Bank) 07:30-09:00 (KST) Panel Webinar: STEM, Gender and the Future of Work in ROK, Japan and the US- (Korea) AHN HYE-YEON (President, WISET)- (US) ELIZABETH ROMANOFF SILVA (Assistant Director, Women's Empowerment, Asia Foundation)- (US) ELIZABETH WILKE (Researcher in Technology Policy and Future of Jobs, LinkedIn) - (Japan) KAZUO YAMAGUCHI (Professor, University of Chicago)
    09:30-11:00 (KST) Invite Only Virtual Networking Kick Off: Breaking Down Barriers Through Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Supportive Networks - (US) AISHA BOWE (CEO, STEMBoard and aerospace engineer)- (US) LUCY LEE (Senior Associate, Volition Capital)- (Japan) NAOMI KURAHARA (CEO and Co-Founder, Infostellar)- (Korea) YUJIN CHANG (Founding Director, Women Who Code Seoul Branch, and Product Marketing Manager, NOOM) 08:30-09:30 (KST) Panel Webinar: Strengthening the pipeline from University to Private Industry - (US) DEBRA KNOPMAN (Principal Researcher, RAND Corporation)- (Japan) CATHERINE KASERI OHURA (CEO, GHIT Fund)- (Korea) Hyo-Suk Lim (President, Association of Korean Woman Scientists and Engineers)- (US) NATALIA VILLALOBOS (Head of Global Programs for Women Techmakers, Google) 08:45-10:00 (KST) Panel Webinar: Gender Norms and STEM: Family Decision -Making, the Unpaid Care Burden, and the Challenges/Benefits of Creating Diverse Teams- (US) EILEEN PENNINGTON (Senior Advisor, Women’s Empowerment, Asia Foundation)- (Korea) KONG-JOO LEE (Professor, Ewha Womans University and Science and Technology Advisor to the President of the Republic of Korea)- (US) YING WORIES (Senior Program Manager, Microsoft and Director, LevelUp Seattle)- (Japan) YUKAKO UCHINAGA (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Japan Women's Innovative Network (J-WIN)) 09:00-10:00 (KST) Virtual Networking and Key Takeaways- (USA) PAULA UNIACKE (Senior Director, Women's Empowerment, Asia Foundation)

2020 WISET-Norway Embassy in Korea-Korea Polar Research Institute Webinar

A joint webinar was held to strengthen cooperation in sustainable development and gender equality in the field of Arctic science, which is a major field of cooperation between Korea and Norway, and promote exchanges of women in STEM.

2020 WISET-Norway Embassy in Korea-Korea Polar Research Institute Webinar
  • Event title : Women in the Arctic - Live Streaming for Future Woman Scientists: Various experiences and candid stories of Arctic female scientists from Korea and Norway
  • Date : Oct. 19, 2020 (Mon.) 15:00~17:00
  • Venue : ZOOM and live streaming on YouTube
  • Hosted by : Embassy of Norway in the Republic of Korea, Korea Polar Research Institute, and WISET
  • YouTube link : https://youtu.be/t5yty89oliQ (Korean) / https://youtu.be/PEsYWyieJok (English)
  • Program - Time, Details, Note
    Time Details Note
    15:00~15:10 10' Opening and welcome speech Norwegian Embassy in Korea (Ambassador), Korea Polar Research Institute (President), and WISET (President)
    15:20~16:30 90'
    • Speaker 1 (Norway) : Guri Hjallen Eriksen (SALT)
    • Speaker 2 (Korea) : Principal Researcher Lee Yu-kyung (Korea Polar Research Institute)
    • Speaker 3 (Norway) : Angelika Renner (Institute of Marine Research, IMR)
    • Speaker 4 (Korea) : Senior Researcher Park Ji-yeon (Korea Polar Research Institute)
    Speakers and attendees (Role models for women in the field of polar science, research on polar science, and work-life balance)
    16:30~16:50 20' Q&A All
    16:50~17:00 10' Announcement of prize winners and closing

The 16th Gender Summit

At the Gender Summit, those in STEM fields (incl. scientists and engineers, policy-makers, academics, etc.) from around the world gather to exchange ideas and share knowledge to realize gender equality in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) and cooperate with each other. This is a global event held for the purpose of exchanging information on gender equality policies and programs related to STEMM with international stakeholders. At the 16th Gender Summit, we shared policies aimed at supporting women in STEM in Korea.

GS16 panel discussion
  • Date : Aug. 28 (Wed.) to 29 (Thurs.), 2019
  • Venue : Biopolis in Singapore
  • Topic : Diversity and Gender in Science: Enhancing the Value of Research and Innovation
  • Main activities : Presentation on policies and programs for women in STEM in Korea and networking with international policy stakeholders

IBE-UNESCO&WISET Luncheon Seminar

At the World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO 2019)*, which is called the “International Brain Science Olympics,” cases of promoting gender equality in STEM fields were shared by presenting overseas cases of improving gender equality in STEM education as well as policies to foster and support women in STEM in Korea.

Luncheon Seminar
  • Date/Venue : Sept. 21, 2019 (Sat.) 12:00~13:30 / Seminar Room 324, EXCO, Daegu
  • Co-hosted by : WISET, Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), and IBE-UNESCO
  • Topic : The Global Gender Equality Imperative in STEM Education
  • Main activities : To inform about Korea’s efforts for gender equality in STEM fields and to discuss the topic of gender equality in STEM education with industry, academia, and research experts from around the world

    * The International Bureau of Education of UNESCO (IBE-UNESCO) has held a wide variety of projects and forums to develop the STEM-related educational curriculum under UNESCO and to build a related network (a total of 216 participants).

  • Program - Time, Program
    Time Program
    11:30~12:00 Registration
    12:00~12:10 Opening and welcome speech Yoo Young-sook (Former Minister of Environment)
    12:10~12:30 [Presentation 1] Policies to Foster and Support Women in STEM in Korea Hyeyeon Ahn (President, WISET)
    12:30~13:10 [Presentation 2] Importance of Gender Equality in STEM Education Mmantsetsa Marope (Director, IBE-UNESCO)
    13:10~13:25 Andrew Meltzoff (Ph.D., Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington)
    13:25~13:30 Closing remarks Yoo Young-sook (Former Minister of Environment)

Korea-ASEAN Women in STEM Policy Forum

The forum was held to exchange information and human resources necessary to strengthen the role of women in STEM who will contribute to the sustainable development and mutual growth of Korea and ASEAN countries. We shared policies and systems and discussed major issues with policy stakeholders so that policies to support women in STEM can be further advanced and applied on a wider scale.

Korea-ASEAN Women in STEM Policy Forum
  • Date/Time : Dec. 21, 2019 (Thurs.) 16:00~20:00
  • Venue : Exhibition Hall 2, BEXCO, Busan
  • Co-hosted by : WISET and Association of Korean Woman Scientists and Engineers (KWSE)
  • Sponsored by : Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Theme : Network of Women in STEM Leading Sustainable Economic Development
  • Main activities : Discussed the role of women in STEM for sustainable development and innovative mutual economic growth in Asia, plans for Korea-ASEAN cooperation, the current status of women in STEM in Korea and ASEAN region, and policies for fostering and supporting them
  • Program - Time, Duration, Details
    Time Duration Details
    15:30~16:00 30' Registration
    16:00~16:10 10' Opening
    16:10~16:40 30' [Lecture]Ms. Ayako Inagaki (Director, Human and Social Development Division, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank)
    16:40~17:40 60' [Panel Discussion] What is the Role of Women in STEM in Strengthening Cooperation between Korea and ASEAN Countries?
    • Prof. Jung Sun Kim (Vice President, Dongseo University, Korea)
    • Ms. Htay Htay Win (Vice Chairman, Women Engineers Chapter, Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies, Myanmar)
    • Ms. Le Thi Khanh Van (Vice President, Vietnam Association for Intellectual Women, Vietnam)
    • Dr. Juana Tapel (Chair, Women Engineers' Network, Philippine Technological Council, Philippines)
    • Dr. Wai Yie Leong (Chairman, Women Engineers Section, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Malaysia)
    • Dr. Supatcha Chaimatanan (Researcher, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Thailand)
    • Dr. Hyun-Ok Kim (Senior Researcher, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea)
    17:40~18:00 20' Q&A
    18:00~18:05 5' Closing
    18:05~20:00 115' Banquet and networking

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)’s Training for African Female Construction Engineers in Korea

As part of a training program for nurturing and empowering foreign women engineers (Implemented by: Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education; Entrusted by: Korea International Cooperation Agency), we introduced policies and programs aimed at nurturing and supporting women in STEM in Korea and shared the current status of each country in Africa to engage in exchanges and network with female engineers from five African countries.

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)’s Training for African Female Construction Engineers in Korea
  • Date : Oct. 17 (Thurs.) to 18 (Fri.), 2019 10:00~16:00
  • Venue : WISET conference room, Korean Science and Technology Center
  • Program objectives : 1) To improve women’s rights in recipient countries through systematic training of female construction engineers, to realize gender equality in employment in male-dominated areas, and to improve the systems and infrastructure to support these efforts; 2) To improve the social status of female engineers in the construction industry and lay the groundwork for programs to foster and support women in STEM
  • Program* implementer : Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education / Entrusted by: Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

    * Program title: Capacity Development for Women Engineers in Africa

  • Topic : Korea’s policies and support programs to foster women in STEM
  • Main activities : International exchange with overseas female construction engineers and policy-makers and introduction of policies and programs to foster and support women in STEM in Korea