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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentoring for Women in STEM

There is a lack of role models for women in STEM.
If you face difficulties in solving your problems and concerns because there are no female seniors in STEM around you, then please try the WISET Mentoring Program.
WISET provides a mentoring program tailored to women in STEM according to their respective stages in the lifecycle.
WISET will help you explore careers in science and engineering and grow as leaders in STEM.
Career Exploration Mentoring

To help female university students (or graduates) in STEM become better job candidates and help them choose a career, this program provides various mentoring activity opportunities to help them explore possible careers with female workers in STEM and visits to related institutions.


  • Mentor team: Composed of more than three women working for science and engineering companies, research institutes, etc.
  • Mentees: Female university students, graduate students, etc., specializing in STEM
    ※ Students on leave and graduates are allowed to participate only for those who are unemployed


  • Visits to the mentor’s company/research institute, mock interviews, special lectures on jobs/skills, and provision of the latest science and technology information and employment information
Global Mentoring

Together with global companies highlighting diversity and inclusion as their core values, we help female university students (or graduates) in science and engineering grow into women in STEM with global competency.


  • Mentors : Scientists and engineers working for global corporations ※ Proceed on a corporate basis
  • Mentees : Female college students, graduate students, etc. specializing in science or engineering
    ※ Students on leave can participate in unemployment


  • On/offline mentoring, special lectures on recruitment in connection with corporate HR teams, visits to company/research institutes, special lectures on jobs/skills, mock interviews, etc.

Corporate partners for the Global Mentoring Program

Baker Huges
DELL Technologies
Lam Research
Schneider Electric
Thermo Fisher Scientific
GM Korea
megazone cloud
Global Cross Mentoring

We provide global networking opportunities for women in STEM to design their future with outstanding female scientists and engineers in Korea and the United States.


  • Mentors : Korean women in STEM in the United States ※ Target(KWiSE)
  • Mentees : Female college students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, etc. specializing in science or engineering


  • Mentor-mentee: On/offline mentoring, special lectures on jobs/skills, special lectures on thesis writing, elevator pitch, mock interviews, sharing of information on overseas jobs, etc.
  • STEM Career Talk Concert: Sharing of career path stories and Q&A with various experts from promising industries (twice a year; held in the first and second halves of the year)
Current Employees Mentoring

This is a program in which female leaders with extensive experience or female corporate executives provide female employees at the middle-management level with career mentoring to become female leaders in the industry.
Initially, it mainly focused on people in technical positions in the IT industry, but it is continually expanding by discovering and including new fields such as BT, engineering, and chemical sectors.


  • Mentors: Executive-level female leaders in STEM (20+ years of work experience)
  • Mentees: Female employees in STEM


  • Job-tailored group mentoring by female leaders
  • Networking opportunities for current employees per industry
  • 1:1 online mentoring with no spatiotemporal constraints
Start-Up Mentoring

We provide science and technology-based entrepreneurship support and education for establishing and running startups so that women in STEM can follow various career paths and perhaps even begin a startup. Moreover, by actively discovering excellent startup models, we create a culture and environment in which women in STEM can start their own businesses.


  • Women in STEM who are preparing or wishing to start a business


  • Provide customized entrepreneurship skill programs according to the level of preparedness, field, technology, etc.
Career exploration mentoring

6,858 participants

Global mentoring (2012–2023)

2,373 participants and 23 participating companies

WOMEN@ (Current employees mentoring) (2019–2023)

1,853 participants

Fostering prospective startup founders (2020–2023)

768 women in STEM

Global cross mentoring (2021-2023)

1,017 participants