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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

STEM Research Team Projects


STEM Research Team Project is a program for female graduate students to act as a research leader and manage a team with middle/high school and college/university students to conduct research projects for several months. This program aims to strengthen the research competence and leadership skills of excellent female undergraduate and graduate students by leading R&D projects. It also allows middle and high school students to plan and develop their career paths by participating in the program as team members. The experience of leading engineering research will be a valuable steppingstone for students to continuously grow as researchers.

  • Research Leader : Female graduate student
  • Research Team Members : University students and female middle and high school students
Research team composition
  • Track 1 : Research leader (one female graduate student) and research team members (two female university students and four middle and high school students)
  • Track 2 : Research leader (one female graduate student) and research team members (up to four university students)

April to October (7 months)


150 teams (40 general research teams and 110 intensive research teams) (※ as of 2022)

Research fields

8 engineering fields (architecture, metal & materials, machinery & materials, biotechnology & food engineering, electricity, electronic & semiconductor, computer, civil & environmental engineering, chemical engineering)

  • Education & mentoring : Research capacity building training, career mentoring, etc.
  • Funding : KRW 6.6 million for general research teams and KRW 8 million for intensive research teams
  • Awards for outstanding research teams : Minister of Science and ICT Award and WISET Chairperson’s Award
Research project support

1,420 members involved

Research participants (2013~2023)

7,698 participants

Major Achievements(2023)
  • Achieved 89.2% enrollment rate of female high school students going to a science or engineering university
  • Achieved 88.9% employment rate for female graduate students in STEM
  • Achieved 51.6% graduate school enrollment among female graduate students majoring in STEM