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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

Workforce Statistics on Women in STEM 

Impact of Programs for Promoting Women in STEM for 10 Years
Science and Engineering College Students - Gender Ratio Trend of Natural Sciences and Engineering
The X-axis is 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and the y-axis has an interval of 20 to 100. In 2011, 51.9% of natural sciences (female), 17.8% of engineering (female), 48.1% of natural sciences (male), 82.2% of engineering (male) In 2014, 50.9% of natural sciences (female), 18.6% of engineering (female), 49.1% of natural sciences (male), 81.4% of engineering (male) In 2017, 51.0% of natural sciences (female), 21.0% of engineering (female), 49.0% of natural sciences (male), and 79.0% of engineering (male) In 2020, 51.4% of natural sciences (female), 22.9% of engineering (female), 48.6% of natural sciences (male), 77.1% of engineering (male) The gender gap in the natural sciences decreased by 1%, and the gender gap in engineering decreased by 10.2%. * Source: WISET, Analytical Report on the Statistics of Education and Employment of Women and Men in STEM * Source: Data provided in the Educational Statistical Yearbook by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) (2020) * Note: Includes students in college degree programs, bachelor’s degree programs, master’s degree programs, and Ph.D. programs
The Gender Gap in New Hires at Science and Technology R&D Institutes
The X-axis is 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and the y-axis has an interval of 20 to 100. In 2011, 22.5% of women and 77.5% of men In 2014, 22.7% were women and 77.3% were men In 2017, 26.8% for women and 73.2% for men In 2020, 28.1% female and 71.9% male The gender gap has decreased by 11.2%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
The Gender Gap in Current Employees at Science and Technology R&D Institutes
X-axis is 2011, 2014, 12017, 12017 and y axis has a gap between 20 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100. In 2011, 17.4 percent of women in 2011 In 2014, 18.4 percent of women in 2014 In 2017, women's 20 percent and 79 percent of men In 2020, women 215% and 78 percent of men This and gender gap was 8.2%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
The Gender Gap in Employees Promoted at Science and Technology R&D Institutes
The X-axis is 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and the y-axis has an interval of 20 to 100. In 2011, 10.7% of women and 89.3% of men In 2014, 12.9% of women and 87.1% of men In 2017, 16% for women and 84% for men In 2020, 16.6% female and 83.4% male The gender gap has decreased by 11.8%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
The Gender Gap in Employees (Managerial Positions) at Science and Technology R&D Institutes
The X-axis is 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and the y-axis has an interval of 20 to 100. In 2011, 6.9% of women and 93.1% of men In 2014, 7.3% for women and 92.7% for men In 2017, 9.5% for women and 90.5% for men In 2020, 12.0% for women and 88.0% for men The gender gap has decreased by 10.2%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
The Gender Gap in Research Principal Investigators (PI) of Science and Technology R&D Institutes
X-axis is 2011, 2014, 12017, 12017 and y axis has a gap between 20 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100. In 2011, women 7.1 percent of women and 92 percent In 2014, 7.8 percent of women in 2014 and 92% In 2017, 10.2 percent of women and 89 percent of men In 2020.4 percent of women in 2020.4% and 88% This and gender gap was 8.6%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
The Gender Gap in Research Principal Investigators (PI)* of Science and Technology R&D Institutes*Large-Scale Projects with at Least KRW One Billion in Funding
X-axis is 2011, 2014, 12017, 12017 and y axis has a gap between 20 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100. In 2011, it was 5.6% of women and 94 percent In 2014, women 4.9% and 95 percent of men In 2017, 8.8 percent of women and 91% In 2020.7 percent of women in 2020.7% and 92% This and gender gap was 4.2%. * Source: WISET, Survey on the Employment and Working Condition of Women in STEM * Note: A survey targeting science and engineering universities, public research institutes in science and technology, and research institutes of private enterprises (with more than 100 full-time employees)
Survey on the Employment and Working Conditions of Women in STEM

(State-Approved Statistics No. 105003)


To identify the status of the employment and working conditions of women in STEM, to analyze the outcomes of policy implementation and to suggest a new policy direction

Basis for the survey

Article 6 (Investigation of Actual Status) of the Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians and Article 8 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act


Approximately 5,000 science and engineering universities, public research institutes, and research institutes of private enterprises (more than 100 employees)


Employment status and characteristics, position (managerial position) and promotion status, working environment, etc.

Public release

April of the following year of the survey

Microdata of the “Survey on the Employment and Working Conditions of Women in STEM” can be downloaded free of charge after signing up for membership on the MDIS website.

Analytical Report on the Statistics of Education and Employment of Women and Men in STEM

(Publication of WISET Policy Statistical Report)

  • Objectives : To grasp the status of fostering scientists and engineers, to analyze relevant statistics on employment and to analyze and utilize policy outcomes
  • Raw data list
    • Regional employment survey (Statistics Korea)
    • R&D activity survey (Ministry of Science and ICT)
    • International comparison (UNESCO and WEF (Gender Gap))
    • Survey and analysis of national R&D projects (Ministry of Science and ICT)
    • Survey on new Ph.D. holders in South Korea (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, KRIVET)
    • Statistics on Ph.D. holders from abroad (National Research Foundation of Korea)
    • Survey on the actual conditions of venture companies and startups (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
    • Survey on the supply and demand of industrial technical professionals (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
    • Survey on the actual conditions of emerging industries (e.g., software, data, cloud, Internet of Things, nuclear power, space) (Ministry of Science and ICT)
    • Basic statistics on education (kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and higher education) / National statistics on gifted students / Employment statistics (Korean Educational Development Institute, KEDI)
Statistics Report