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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology

Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action
WISET operates a recruitment, employment, and promotion target system based on Article 11 of the Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians. It sets the recruitment and tenure targets for women in STEM and the promotion target for each position (every three years) for research institutes in science and technology and strongly recommends that they to achieve the target ratios.
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Recruitment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Recruitment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
Recruitment target : Actual recruitment ratio(2020): 32.0% → Ultimate goal(2029) 50.0%
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Recruitment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
  • 2003 : 18.2%
  • 2004 : 20.0%
  • 2005 : 20.9%
  • 2006 : 21.4%
  • 2007 : 24.6%
  • 2008 : 22.1%
  • 2009 : 26.6%
  • 2010 : 20.9%
  • 2011 : 20.4%
  • 2012 : 19.2%
  • 2013 : 20.3%
  • 2014 : 23.8%
  • 2015 : 22.1%
  • 2016 : 24.5%
  • 2017 : 30.4%
  • 2018 : 31.1%
  • 2019 : 32.2%
  • 2020 : 35.4%
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Employment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Employment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
Tenure target : Actual recruitment ratio(2020): 25.4% → Ultimate goal(2029) 30.0%
Changes in the Proportion of Women in Employment at Research Institutes in STEM Fields
  • 2003 : 10.2%
  • 2004 : 15.7%
  • 2005 : 11.6%
  • 2006 : 10.8%
  • 2007 : 12.8%
  • 2008 : 12.6
  • 2009 : 13.5%
  • 2010 : 13.4%
  • 2011 : 13.1%
  • 2012 : 14.2%
  • 2013 : 15%
  • 2014 : 15.5%
  • 2015 : 16.6%
  • 2016 : 16.8%
  • 2017 : 17.7%
  • 2018 : 18.9%
  • 2019 : 25.8%
  • 2020 : 25.4%
A Survey on the Actual Condition of Employment and Retirement Target System
Agenda for the performance of active measures​

Results of 2020 implementation performance and actual condition survey


Results of 2019 implementation performance and actual condition survey


Results of 2018 implementation performance and actual condition survey
